Individual Exploration & Expansion
Explore your specificities and development potential, in order to better understand, develop and market ...
Complementarities & Convergence
Understand the objectives, operating modes, key characteristics and personality profiles of a team...
Interactions & Language
Understand the impact of personality profiles on the manners of communicating of an individual or a team...
Mediation & Cohesion
Resolve interpersonal conflicts and unlock the individual and collective performance of a team, a group or two individuals....
Orientation & Career Change
Define, with regards to market needs, the professional orientations or career evolutions suited to your personality profile....
Organisation & Capitalisation
Understand the objectives, modus operandi, key characteristics and personality profiles* of all or part of an organisation, in order to uncover and exploit the pertinent talents...
Interactions & Language
Understand the impact of personality profiles on the manners of communicating of an individual or a team. Exploit each specificity and develop the interactivity most appropriate to the needs and modes of communication of various third parties..
Analysis of written and oral expression (ease and stumbling blocks), of different situations and types of third-party, and of the needs
Contact us
Our approach
We develop a specific approach tallored to your objectives and the types of third-parties you wish to interact with.
Individual exploration* of the objectives and the personality profile - interview of 2 to 3 hours
Working sessions to facilitate understanding the differences of Others and achieving communication objectives
Practical exercises, both written and oral, by objective and type of third-party
Follow-up on progress and recommendations
Benefits and results
Energise a team or a meeting by leveraging your strengths and those of the participants to maximise information sharing and listening, to facilitate drawing conclusions and taking ownership, and to foster action and implementation
Highlight the value of a piece of work or results achieved, both in a written and an oral presentation, by addressing both the specificities, strengths and values deployed to achieve them as well as the needs of the audience
Mobilise the energies and inspire the organisation's talent pool behind a project or a strategy which recognises and leverages the key characteristics of the individuals implicated as well as the resulting individual and collective benefits
Understand the needs of the various stakeholders in a project, a strategy, an initiative,…and address them specifically and systematically
* Tools used:
Interviews and indicators of personality type by Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and Cailloux-Cauvin (CCTI)
SWOT : strategy tool which allows potential development options to be determined based on the analysis of the Strengths and Weakness of a person and the Threats and Opportunities of the markets/environment.
DESC : Communication scheme used to resolve a difficult situation and develop assertiveness.