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The way someone works, analyses, organises him /herself, communicates, manages others, etc. varies according to the individual and their specificities.


And, depending on the challenges and objectives, certain specificities, modus operandi and complemen-tarities will be more effective than others at dealing with the issues at hand or completing the project.

Combining talent sweet spots, the winning model


Explore your specificities and development potential, in order to better understand, develop and market ...

Understand the objectives, operating modes, key characteristics and personality profiles of a team ...

Understand the impact of personality profiles on the manners of communicating of an individual or a team ...

Resolve interpersonal conflicts and unlock the individual and collective performance of a team, a group or two individuals....

Define, with regards to market needs, the professional orientations or career evolutions suited to your personality profile...

Understand the objectives, modus operandi, key characteristics and personality profiles* of all or part of an organisation, in order to uncover and exploit the pertinent talents ...

Methodologies & Tools

Main methodologies

Global methodology

Global methodology

Individual interview

Individual interview

Working session

Working session



Analogical games

Analogical games

Founding principles & tools


  • Theory of psychological types, known as Jungian Types, proposed in 1920 by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung to characterise the psychological mode of operation of a subject. It results in distinguishing 16 psychological types.


* Main tools used :


  • Interviews and indicators of personality type by Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and Cailloux-Cauvin (CCTI)

  • SWOT : strategy tool which allows potential development options to be determined based on the analysis of the Strengths and Weakness of a person and the Threats and Opportunities of the markets/environment.

  • DESC : Communication scheme used to resolve a difficult situation and develop assertiveness.

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